Friday, January 11, 2008

Babies cry to donation

Orange came up with creepy interactive ads to rais money for HIV-infected mom and their babies. The campaign has a VDO of baby crying on donation boxes with a copy, "Your donation makes the different.". When people walk pass the box will send Bluetooth text message to their cell phone said, "Do you hear a baby crying?" When the people put money in the boxes, the VDO baby becomes happy and smile.

Interesting and very creepy.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Creative Director: Carl LeBlond
Art Director: Deborah Bosboom
Copywriters: Tim Den Heijer, Maxim Van Wijk
Photographer: Jonathan Weyland
Production Company Producer: Jaap Hoogerdijk
Other Additional Credits: Janneke Koreneef, Baba Sylla

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