Friday, December 21, 2007

Words matter - The relationship between form and content

This is a nice, cheap but clever TVC from Gazette newspaper. The creator plays with the history background, content, and form of the content. The idea about editing contents or texts reflect today's IT era that contents can be edited and separated form the the layout.

This ad. reminded me the Economist TVC when they edited Bush's speech about the war against Iraq.

Advertising Agency: Bleublancrouge, Montreal, Canada
Creative Director: Gaetan Namouric
Art Director: Jean-François Leblanc
Copywriters: JF. Kennedy, Andrew Morgan, Gaetan Namouric

Another example using editing technique is an old Smirnoff TVC. The creator used it to show the idea about Smirnoff distills their Vodka for 3 times.


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