Thursday, December 20, 2007

Le Cadeau du Temps

Though I’ve posted a l of video about Zune Art, but I just saw another piece from Motionographer that I want to—“Le Cadeau du Temps” by Cory Godbey. You can find more information at Cory’s blog. To summarize: the agency 72 and Sunny came up with the idea “a man who finds this magic potion which either keeps him from aging, or makes him grow younger. And he doesn't share it,” and they
had Charlie Stephenson to write the story. They wanted Cory to do the visual because they liked what he did for a music video “The Ruin of the Beast.” So Cory interpreted the story into visual presentation. For the visual, they referenced a 1926 animated film “The Adventures of Prince Achmed.” However, Cory mixed the silhouette with some Photoshop drawing. After all the pain and hard working, this frame-by-frame animation was born.
What I like the most about Zune Art is that they express the simple ides- share in so many different and thoughtful ways. 72 and Sunny, the agency that keeps this campaign going, really did a remarkable job.

雖然我已經放過有關Zune Art的文章,但我今天又在Motionographer看到一篇讓我很想放上來的-- Cory Godbey作的“Le Cadeau du Temps”。在Cory的部落格上有很完整的介紹,我簡述一下:策劃整個Zune Art活動的公司72 and Sunny提出了故事的想法:有個人發現了一瓶魔法液體可以使他返老還童,然而他並不想分給別人。然後72 and Sunny 找了作家Charlie Stephenson把這個想法寫成故事,然後找了Cory來作視覺的呈現,會找Cory是因為他們之前看過他作的一支音樂錄影帶,而他們很喜歡那樣的風格。視覺上,他們參考一支1926年的動畫影片“The Adventures of Prince Achmed.”不過,Cory在剪影的圖上又加了他在Photoshop畫的一些效果。經過了痛苦及辛苦的工作後,這支逐格動畫終於誕生。
我最喜歡有關Zune Art的一點就是,他們把一個很簡單的概念—分享,用許多有趣且有深度的方式呈現。把這一些實現的廣告公司72 and Sunny,真的作的很好。

The Ruin of the Beast

The Adventures of Prince Achmed

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